How to Keep Your Remote Team Motivated

Manage your remote team effectively with these strategies that will keep them happy, satisfied, and motivated to perform well.

Meet our expert: Xavier Hakon, System Engineer

In the following interview, we meet Xavier Hakon, system engineer at Ivy Partners who describes his role, mission and challenges as well as his side passion.

Chief Happiness Officer – The importance of workplace wellbeing

In the following interview, we meet Emmanuelle de Cannière, who recently joined us as our HR Director and Chief Happiness Officer. She explains her role as a CHO and how companies have no choice but to place the well-being of their employees at the forefront of their strategy to retain them and recruit new talent more efficiently.

About the founders: A People-first approach

In this interview, we meet Daniel, Jean-Manuel and Yoann, the co-founders of Ivy Partners to learn about their vision for the firm, their plans for the future, discuss entrepreneurship and much more.

Go after your dreams, no one will go for you.

Elodie, Recruiting Manager at Ivy Partners, is about to embark on a 1-year camping-car adventure around Europe with her family. Read more about her project and why she decided to take a career break, reconnect with her family and build lifelong memories together.

Cybersecurity: defend your business against critical threats now

Cyber-attacks are a growing concern for all businesses. Learn about the threats and how to protect yourself.

The Impact Artificial Intelligence Has on Industries Today

As a trend, AI is one of the hottest topics in business IT. For many executives and leaders, it might sound like a technology that is still on the horizon.

Why Caring Leadership Is the Right Way To Lead

Emotional intelligence is a critical leadership soft skill. Understanding what employees might be thinking or feeling in certain situations helps managers support the staff.

How can RPA Empower Businesses in 2022

Robotic process automation (RPA) is a type of a larger group of technologies commonly referred to as business process automation (BPA) solutions.

Browse our extensive selection of articles related to all aspects of business and different industries. This is the place to find thought leadership and expertise on advanced technology solutions, educating you on the processes we go through to take your business to the next level.